Friday, August 24, 2012

Zinger of a Zit

Okay, so I feel this unpleasant feeling on my upper lip and it starts out as a small red and raised bump.  I knew...I knew exactly what the next steps were going to be.  I thought to myself, "if I just leave it alone, it will go away faster and won't look too ugly."  But, it continued to get bigger and brighter and became a throbbing sore infliction.  "UGH" I sighed!  "No, don't touch it!" I kept telling myself, but the more it hurt the less self control I had.  "I'm 57 years old and I'm still getting zits?!  This just isn't fair and to top it off, we are meeting with friends tonight we haven't seen for 5 years."  I just couldn't stop myself and I did it!  I popped that sucker and oh did it hurt and oh how it really didn't want to pop, and oh, I think I did more harm than good.  My lip not only had a red spot, it was now bigger and brighter than ever and was just screaming, "Hey, you guys!!!  Over here!  See I'm right here on her upper lip and you can't keep your eyes off of me now, can you?  I mean, look at me.  I'm all red and inflamed and when she talks it's like waving a big sign saying, 'Is this 57 year old woman still in puberty?'"  If only my body would match my upper lip, I might not mind so much.  No, but I do mind.  I have always minded when I got zits.  I have never gotten over the embarrassment they bring me and it's a ton of embarrassment when it's on a seasoned chick.  Well, the damage was done and now, I asked,  is there a way to camouflage this sucker?!  I tried, without success, to cover the disgusting, miserable little twit.  Yes, I was now calling it names, but I realized I had to just move forward.  Me and my zit!  Maybe it would help, if I gave it a name, since it didn't seem I was going to get rid of it anytime soon (Twit, Twit!  You ugly little Twit!!).
As we met our friends with hugs and laughter we sat down to talk...across from each other...and I tried to forget about the neon sign on my upper lip.  But, you know!  I was watching the eye contact coming from the other side.  Their eyes would meet with mine and then slip to a downward gaze.  This zit was getting way too much attention.  You know the type, they get unruly, rowdy and obnoxious.  But, there was nothing I could do, but to listen, laugh and love our friends on the other side.  Me and my zit just made the most of it and you know what?  We survived it...I survived it.  It just goes to show that even a zit can't come between real friendship...or can it? 
Tonight while talking to Cliff he ended his sentence with laughter.  It wasn't one of those types of conversations that would merit laughing, so I was confused.  "Cliff, why are you laughing?"  Cliff replies, "I wasn't laughing at what you said, I'm laughing at your lip!  Will that thing ever heal?"  Okay, nothing like adding insult to injury.  Just place a big "L" on my forehead exclaiming "Loser!"  Sigh!  But, the well rounded, inner child that lives somewhere in this seasoned body, just exclaimed right back (to the zit of course), "Up your nose with a rubber hose!"  THE END...I hope...


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