Thursday, June 20, 2013
I Congratulate You!
I'm honored to know these three young people who graduated from high school this June. All very talented in their own way and keeping their eyes on Jesus. Congratulations Emily, Daniel and Jsamine! May your hopes and dreams be realized!!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Pinnacles, Point Lobos and the Flawed Christian!
One thing for sure, Cliff and I enjoy a get-away! And we are always so blessed by them. It's time together, time to reflect, rejuvenate, renew and a time to meet God in His creation. I can't say it any better than WE ARE BLESSED! Time...not things...time is a valuable thing we truly cherish together and with God.
Our first stop was at the Pinnacles National Park just about 30 miles south of Hollister. Cliff and I have always talked about going there...all these 36 years of marriage we have talked about it and we finally made it! This was going to be a stop to check out the campground and hiking trails. Had we started a little earlier in the day, we may have made the short hike just over a mile. But, we wimped out! The trails lead to a lake...caves...and the hope is along the way you spot a California Condor. A CC sighting will have to wait for another day.
So we decided it was time to move onto the coast...beloved Monterey, Carmel and Point Lobos State Rreserve. All favorite destinations when going to the coast for us. After driving from the Pinnacles, we arrived at Monterey's Fisherman's Wharf. Street performers are always amusing and extremely talented!
After milling around the wharf, in and out of little shops, we finally made a decision to eat at yet another restaurant there we had not tried. This time we chose Rappa's at the very end of the wharf. We were not disappointed with our meal and the view was fantastic!
It seemed the evening fell quickly and we were on our way around the Monterey Peninsula, the scenic way to our motel room. Oh we had to seemed after striking out at two very nice motels we settled for the El Dorado Inn. It was very quaint on the outside and VERY dated on the inside. It was ran by a VERY elderly man (kinda crotchety in the evening and totally sweet in the morning) and it was VERY overpriced. But, what the heck, I slept well!!! (photo below borrowed from the Internet)
We got up and was heading to Carmel to our favorite little cafe, From Scratch, the type that is usually only known by the locals. We have been going there on our visits to the coast for years and some of the same people are still working there. The food is top notch and we have never been disappointed.
URCH!! I almost forgot...while traveling from Monterey to Carmel on Hwy 1, I began to start a conversation with Cliff...well, actually it was going to be an apology and to tell him he was right about something. The day before when Cliff and I were trying to find the road Munras in which has all the motels are on, I thought it was one way and Cliff thought is was another. Well, guess who was right? Cliff! I know, it was just amazing that he was right this time!!! So, back to traveling to Carmel from Monterey, I noticed the exit to Munras and turned my head to Cliff and began, "Oh yeah, (LOL) Munras" then I was very rudely interrupted by Cliff, "upupupupup!!" with his finger up and running toward my to shush me! I tried to begin again and the same response from Cliff, "upupupupup!" Okay, now THAT made me MAD! So Cliff noticed my anger and touch my shoulder (okay...I know...I'm juvenile) and I pulled it away. He then began to laugh and I blurted, "I was going to tell you that I was wrong about Munras, but this is a bunch of shit!" Oh my, as God as my witness, I said it! Well, this began an unstoppable laughter from Cliff. In fact I really thought we might have an accident as he was laughing so hard, he was crying. Then I began to laugh and laugh so hard it mad ME cry! It was a good while before we could stop laughing...almost to our turn off at Carmel. You see it takes a lot to get me angry and sometimes my buttons are pushed juuuust right and the old me finds it's way out. I am here to confess I am a flawed Christian. In need of forgiveness from both Cliff and God, I happen to be one of the lucky ones. Forgiveness was given!! Okay, now we can move onto the rest of the amazing day.
After breakfast we traveled just a mile or two south of Carmel to Point Lobos State Reserve. It truly is "The greatest meeting of land and water in the world." Cliff and I have made many visits to Point Lobos and have never had the same experience twice. We like to hike along the cliffs and water's edge there. Plenty of wildlife to see and the beauty is truly the artistry of God.
After breakfast we traveled just a mile or two south of Carmel to Point Lobos State Reserve. It truly is "The greatest meeting of land and water in the world." Cliff and I have made many visits to Point Lobos and have never had the same experience twice. We like to hike along the cliffs and water's edge there. Plenty of wildlife to see and the beauty is truly the artistry of God.
I am always mesmerized by the ocean, but so drawn in with the Creator's mastery!! I never tire or get enough of this!!
Hiking around the Bird Island trail we got to witness Cormorants nesting. We were told that the blue plumage on their throat area is only visible during mating/nesting season and both the male and female have it. It was fun to watch them...their enemy is the Seagull who likes to take their eggs.
Hiking around the Bird Island trail we got to witness Cormorants nesting. We were told that the blue plumage on their throat area is only visible during mating/nesting season and both the male and female have it. It was fun to watch them...their enemy is the Seagull who likes to take their eggs.
To see more of our little get-away, click on the link below:
Life is short...share it and live well!!!
Life is short...share it and live well!!!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Eastman Get-away April 20, 2013
Yes, again!! We have made another weekend get-away to Eastman. Time to rest, relax and rejuvenate. It's never boring, never the same. I will say, though, it was a HOT one this weekend. Upper 80s (maybe low 90s) after much cooler weather and I just was not ready for it. Got a nice sunburn too. Oh well, it was so worth it!!!
There were two highlights of our stay this time...The Madera Method Wagon Train and the eagle sighting. Below is the eagle with a hawk and vulture in the air with it. They were so high up I could barely get a shot.
The Madera Method Wagon Train is a team of volunteers, ranchers, teachers and donors that put together an amazing experience for 5th graders from the Madera school. This weekend the St. Joaquim Catholic School children were part of the wagon train team. It's a 4 day, 3 night outing trekking across private ranches in a wagon train...learning to groom, feed, harness the mule team, sleeping on the ground, eating wagon grub, panning for gold, singing campfile songs, calculating math by turns of a wagon wheel...basically living the life of someone 150 years ago. What better way of learning history!!!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Oh Baby!
I have taken a few newborn photos, but never a "real" photo shoot session with someone else baby other than family. I had offered the shoot as a gift and a way for me to practice or at least get a little experience. After the shoot, I have come to realize two things; I really LOVE babies, but I really don't love newborn baby shoots. They are difficult and I think I was more stressed than the mama. But, after saying that, I felt I got a few shots that were satisfactory and the mother was pleased.
Above, Mama was adjusting the Grace is only 7 days old. Below is one of the better shots. Grace is such a sweet and beautiful baby!
I'm going to let the experts continue to do the newborn shoots, but I have one more promised and then I'm retiring! (smile)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Ethel Buttonwillow Story
Well, back in December I was going to be a proud Basset Hound owner...and Ethel was going to be my best bud ever! I bought all the puppy toys, puppy collar, puppy food, puppy treats, puppy bedding, puppy name it; I bought it for Ethel Buttonwillow. It was time to bring her home and I picked her up on Christmas Eve morning. I was so excited and she was just cuter than a button! My first hour with her was everything I imagined with a brand new puppy. She wanted to play and sleep and poop. I even got a cute little video of her learning how to go in and out of her crate. She loved her crate with the soft and cushiony bed. Here is where the story begins to turn. We had plans to spend an early Christmas Eve dinner with our friends, Marie and Gene. I had to leave Ethel Buttonwillow in her puppy pin. She cried and whined and cried some more and I really didn't want to leave, but we did. On our return a couple of hours later, she was still crying and whining AND she POOPED everywhere and stomped in her POOP and tracked it All OVER the floor. This was just not what I wanted to come home to. First I washed poor little Ethel who was covered with POOP! Then I had to clean the floor (without urping my dinner up). THEN I had to wash her pin AND her crate and her bedding. THEN I finally tried to put Ethel Buttonwillow to bed...after cuddling her first, of course. She finally went to bed and I plopped myself on the couch and tried to nod off. It lasted only a few minutes before the whining and crying began again. My dream of Ethel becoming my best bud was beginning to fade into a nightmare. Ethel wanted to play, sleep (for 1/2 to and hour intervals) and poop all night long. I was exhausted and right then and there I knew I had made a mistake. Being a puppy owner takes stamina and I didn't have it. I'm sad to say that Ethel Buttonwillow was returned. BUT, the good news is, Ethel was re-adpoted the very next day and is living with a family with children and other Basset Hounds. A perfect match. BUT now I was feeling like a complete loser!!! A photo of Ethel at 5 weeks below:
All three of my kids encouraged me and convinced me to adopt an adult dog and check the animal shelters. You can do all of that online now as they post pictures of the dogs (and other animals) for you to view. I chose a local shelter (only about 2 miles from our house) and was checking each day on line, as new dogs were checked in. One day they posted a stray Beagle. We had a Beagle, Aspen. She was such a wonderful family pet. But this Beagle was not up for adoption...yet. They give the owners about a week to claim their animals. After that they go up for adoption. I waited until she was eligible for adoption and Ashlee, Lacee and I went to the shelter to see if she would be a good fit. Well, long story short, meet Denver (named in honor of Aspen)!!! Denver didn't have a name since she was a stray, so it just felt right to name her Denver.
Denver is housebroke, lovable, playful AND obedient (well, most of the time). Life is good and although it's risky adopting a stray adult dog, it worked out great for me!!!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Uncle James' 90th Birthday
Today is Uncle James' 90th birthday! His children put on a wonderful celebration for him yesterday at his church. There were many that attended...probably close to 100! He was totally surprised. In fact, he thought he was going to a last minute church meeting and his son offered to take him. He didn't want to change out of his work he put it, "I was told I was going to go to a church meeting and I decided if I needed anything, it would be my check book!" That is just like Uncle generous with his money. When there is a need, he's there to help fill it. Wow, can we all learn something mighty powerful from him. Happy 90th Birthday, Uncle James!!!
The photo below was taken yesterday at his celebration.
Uncle James is also known for his sense of humor and his infectious laugh! Below is a photo of Zelma (my mother-in-law), Velma (mys sister-in-law) and Uncle James. Oh and that's Cliff in the lower left hand corner of the photo.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
A time with a friend...
I met Cliff in July 1975 (38 years ago) after a rodeo at the Divine Gardens in Turlock, CA. The rest is history!!
When you join together with your husband, family and friends come along filling up your life. One of Cliff's great friends is Frank Souza. Frank and Cliff were inseparable and boy did they love the rodeo circuit (riding bulls) and participated in many rodeos in the state of California in their younger years. I grew to love Frank and back then he was dating Donnelle and we became great friends as well. It was a crazy, exciting new life for me.
Yesterday Cliff and I traveled up to Mariposa to visit with Frank and his wife, Robbie. They live in the country foothills and it is just so gorgeous this time of year. We had never been to their place and had no idea what to expect. Those are Frank's daughter's heifers walking across one of their pastures. It's just too beautiful for words and photos!! It was not only beautiful, but VERY peaceful as well.
Cliff and I have lost time with Frank over the years and just recently became reunited. Franks laugh is just the same and the stories about rodeo cowboying are as if it were yesterday. Frank could even tell you the name of the bulls he and Cliff rode back then and the near misses of death. It was as if they were invulnerable to the dangers of bull riding and somehow always came out seriously injury free. Oh don't worry, they got their share of bumps, bruises and cuts, but no broken bones. Below is a picture of Cowboy Frank and Cliff in the early 1970s.
Our visit to Frank's was not ours alone. You see, Frank has terminal pancreatic cancer. The visit was part of a gathering for Frank to see his friends, maybe for the last time, before he leaves this earth. There were times when Frank would be sitting alone and I wondered what he was thinking...feeling. There were times when I would study the lines in his face and view his shrinking body and it hurt my heart for him...for his wife and his daughter. The hugs and kisses meant so much more and the thankfulness of good health became greater than any other time.
And the picture taking went on for a while. Usually I am not in any of the photos, but I asked Donnelle to take this one. She made me laugh because she was having a bit of a time with my camera. It's intimidating to those that just use cell phones or maybe no camera at all!
Cliff...Frank...Donnelle... I love this photo the most of Frank with his goofy smile!
Frank...Robbie...there are times I'm sure, that it's just so hard and others times, so sweet with precious life.
And, when I get really sad thinking about losing a friend, I just remember Frank's smile, laugh, cowboy stories and this lady and her hat!!! I know it's not nice to laugh "at" people, but I also do believe there are exceptions to the rules. LOL!
I am thankful...oh how I am so thankful for friends, laughter and life! AND may I learn to be better at all three!!!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Little Girls Almost 5
Oh how I remember being a little girl almost 5. I had a grand imagination and I had an enormous love for animals. Especially my dog! They say the apple never falls far from the tree...
Although my hair was blonde and my dog was a different breed, there was that special bond I remember such as Ruby and Margo's.
And sharing a sandwish was probably exactly what I would have done way back when!
To see what it's like in the life of a little girl almost 5, click on the link below:
Although my hair was blonde and my dog was a different breed, there was that special bond I remember such as Ruby and Margo's.
And sharing a sandwish was probably exactly what I would have done way back when!
To see what it's like in the life of a little girl almost 5, click on the link below:
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